Identifying and Remediating Water Damage That Is Hiding Behind Walls in the Home
Saturday, January 15th 2022, 12:00 AM

How the Homeowner Can Address Water Damage From Leaks Hidden Behind Walls

Waxahachie, United States - January 14, 2022 / SERVPRO of Waxahachie Midlothian /

The water damage restoration professionals at SERVPRO of Waxahachie/Midlothian are experts at locating water damage hidden behind walls. Technicians are trained to identify the signs of water damage, and they utilize moisture-detecting technology to ensure the drying process is thorough. Best of all, the SERVPRO team is available 24/7, 365 days a year, and can respond within an hour to mitigate the water leak and begin the cleanup and restoration process.

Water damage is a common occurrence in the home. One in ten homes in the US has a water leak that wastes ninety gallons of water per day. Some of that wasted water ends up going down the drain from a leaky faucet or toilet. Other types of leaks cause structural deterioration of framing, flooring, and the foundation of a home. Water leaks can promote mold growth which, in turn, may cause health effects if left untreated. Finding and fixing water leaks is a top priority for the homeowner. Sometimes these leaks are difficult to identify because the evidence of the leak remains hidden.

Water damage hiding behind walls is hard to spot. By the time the damage is obvious to the typical homeowner, the water damage is extensive and often expensive to repair. The key is to spot the signs of water damage very early. Here are clues to alert homeowners to water damage in walls.

Six Signs of Water Damage Hidden Behind Walls

Excessive water moisture can hide behind a wall for quite a while before the problem becomes noticeable. By spotting the problem early, stopping the leak promptly, and solving the water damage issues quickly, the homeowner can save time and money.

1. Bubbles spell trouble when discovered on wall paint.

Bubbling in or around patches of peeling paint is a clear indication of a moisture problem with or behind the wall. The bubbles may result from moisture buildup under the paint where the moisture stretches the paint, causing bubbles. It takes a while for the bubbles to develop, which means the water problem may be more extensive than it appears.

2. Warping is a sign of water.

Warping around door casings and on walls is a telltale sign of water damage. When sheetrock absorbs water from behind the wall, warping occurs. Persistent moisture intrusion will cause severe structural damage to framings, casings, baseboards, and flooring.

3. Soft drywall presents hard evidence of a water intrusion behind a wall.

Softened drywall is an often-overlooked indicator of more serious problems. Moisture and water trapped behind a wall cause the unexposed portion of the drywall to grow soft and spongy or mushy. Upon discovering a soft spot or wet area in the drywall, apply gentle pressure to test if the drywall gives. If the area depresses, unseen water between the walls may be the culprit.

4. Mold spots mark the spot where water damage may be present.

Mold spores can spring up very quickly when water is in abundant supply. A constant supply of water or moisture provides an environment where mold can thrive. The splash of colors can include black, green, brown, bronze, and blue. Condensation or dark water stains may appear along with the moldy blotches. This combination may signal that the water damage is more severe than suspected and needs immediate attention from a water damage and mold mitigation professional.

5. The nose knows where the mold grows.

A musty odor should alert the homeowner to the presence of mold, mildew, and moisture. The distinctive smell shows the nose what the eyes cannot see – mold and moisture. Use the nose to expose the affected wall. Inspect the wall, baseboards, and flooring for evidence of water damage. It may not be possible to locate the exact location of the hidden water. The signs indicate the presence of a problem. Professional skill, moisture-detecting technology, and air-quality testing may be necessary to identify the exact location and extent of the damage.

6. The water bill is more than normal.

The water bill provides information about water usage that can alert the homeowner to a water leak. If the meter reading is elevated without a corresponding spike in water usage, there may be a water leak somewhere in the house.

How to Handle Hidden Water Damage in Walls

Once water damage is discovered, take immediate action to resolve the leak, remove the water, and restore the water damage. Delay can allow the damage to spread. Procrastination on the part of the homeowner in resolving the issue may affect coverage under the homeowner’s policy. The cleanup and restoration process requires special water removal and drying equipment, especially if the moisture is behind walls.

The water damage restoration professionals at SERVPRO of Waxahachie/Midlothian use moisture-detecting technology to measure the effectiveness of the mitigation process. They also use proven cleaning techniques and EPA-approved cleaners. The team at SERVPRO can handle the entire project, from the cleanup to restoration and repair, including managing the insurance claim process.

To learn more about Midlothian, TX, water removal, contact SERVPRO of Waxahachie/Midlothian by phone at (972) 935-0827. The office can also be contacted by email at

Contact Information:

SERVPRO of Waxahachie Midlothian

3650 South Highway 287
Waxahachie, TX 75165
United States

Addison Carey

Original Source:


We at SERVPRO of Waxahachie / Midlothian live and work in your community, and when our neighbors suffer fire damage, smoke damage, or water damage due to any size disaster, we are your “go to” for cleanup and restoration.


Addison Carey
SERVPRO of Waxahachie Midlothian

3650 South Highway 287
Waxahachie, TX, 75165, United States


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